46 Ayiou Athanasiou
Agios Athanasios, Limassol, Kypr
Kypr RE/MAX english,greek Adamos Aspris - Assistant Sales Agent Adamos has been working as a RE/MAX agent since 2016. He has travelled around the world and has lived in London for 7 years. Meeting people from other cultures and different perspectives towards life has enabled him to become open-minded and develop confidence in his dealings with clients.
He studied Graphic Arts & Advertising Design. A background in art is a plus in the Real Estate market where aesthetic visual presentation is important.
Adamos has over 20 years of experience as a sales manager in various companies. He worked for 10 years as a manager in the fashion industry, 5 years in the technology sector and 5 years in building materials where he would present complete home solutions to clients. He has taken several sales and self-development courses and also sat through the advanced levels of RE/MAX University Training making him more efficient in his personal and professional relationships. He also speaks fluent English.
He has gained a deep experience of Limassol ‘s real estate market due to the large number of personal property sales, has achieved recognition due to his excellent selection of properties and empathetic approach, and as a result is among the company’s top selling agents.
Adamos Aspris - Assistant Sales Agent - RE/MAX DEALMAKERS

Adamos Aspris - Assistant Sales Agent

Office of RE/MAX DEALMAKERS  - Agios Athanasios USD 46 Ayiou Athanasiou
Agios Athanasios, Limassol, Kypr

+357 666-666-6666 Ukázat...
+357 666-666-6666 Ukázat...
+357 666-666-6666 Ukázat...

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Kliknutím na „Odeslat“ níže souhlasíte s „Podmínkami použití“ a „Zásady ochrany osobních údajů“ a souhlasíte s přijímáním marketingových e -mailových zpráv od RE/MAX, LLC a/nebo marketingových e -mailů, hovorů nebo textů umístěných nebo zapnutými Jménem přidružené společnosti RE/MAX na jakékoli telefonní číslo a/nebo e -mailovou adresu, kterou jste poskytli, i když je vaše číslo na federálním, státě nebo našem interním seznamu nevolá. Dále souhlasíte s tím, že volání/texty mohou být odeslány s automatizovaným systémem pro výběr nebo vytáčení čísel. Poznámka: Souhlas není podmínkou nákupu. Může se vztahovat standardní data a rychlost zpráv. Můžete kdykoli odhlásit.

Office of RE/MAX DEALMAKERS  - Agios Athanasios 46 Ayiou Athanasiou
Agios Athanasios, Limassol, Kypr
46 Ayiou Athanasiou
Agios Athanasios, Limassol, Kypr

Adamos Aspris - Assistant Sales Agent

Adamos has been working as a RE/MAX agent since 2016. He has travelled around the world and has lived in London for 7 years. Meeting people from other cultures and different perspectives towards life has enabled him to become open-minded and develop confidence in his dealings with clients.
He studied Graphic Arts & Advertising Design. A background in art is a plus in the Real Estate market where aesthetic visual presentation is important.
Adamos has over 20 years of experience as a sales manager in various companies. He worked for 10 years as a manager in the fashion industry, 5 years in the technology sector and 5 years in building materials where he would present complete home solutions to clients. He has taken several sales and self-development courses and also sat through the advanced levels of RE/MAX University Training making him more efficient in his personal and professional relationships. He also speaks fluent English.
He has gained a deep experience of Limassol ‘s real estate market due to the large number of personal property sales, has achieved recognition due to his excellent selection of properties and empathetic approach, and as a result is among the company’s top selling agents.

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