1/247 Esplanade
East Gippsland
Lakes Entrance, Victoria, Australia
Australia RE/MAX Charmaine Dennien

“Creating strong relationships is what I’m all about”



A client-focused career of 30 years has brought Charmaine to us here at RE/MAX Genesis. Utilising her high calibre people skills, Charmaine is a natural when it comes to our industry. Her career includes significant experience in team leadership and management as well as administration. Charmaine’s team support and ability to inspire others is something we value highly at RE/MAX Genesis.


Thoughtful, loyal and enthusiastic, our team benefits from her willingness to share her experience and skills in client relations.


Charmaine works with attention to detail, sharp organisational skills and outstanding communication; all contribute to ensuring this is true.

Open and honest, Charmaine invests time into fostering great relationships, she never hurries an exchange, making sure that communication is clear and that everyone involved in a transaction is heard and catered for.


Charmaine is a Lakes Tyers Beach resident who understands the nature of the local area intimately. 


Outside of the office, she spends time playing and teaching piano and sharing her musical talent. That sense of harmony is something she carries through in her role.


Immobilienmakler/in - Charmaine Dennien - RE/MAX Genesis

Charmaine Dennien

Office of RE/MAX Genesis - Lakes Entrance USD 1/247 Esplanade
East Gippsland
Lakes Entrance, Victoria, Australia
Australia RE/MAX RE/MAX Genesis Lakes Entrance RE/MAX Genesis

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Office of RE/MAX Genesis - Lakes Entrance 1/247 Esplanade
East Gippsland
Lakes Entrance, Victoria, Australia
Australia RE/MAX RE/MAX Genesis Lakes Entrance RE/MAX Genesis
1/247 Esplanade
East Gippsland
Lakes Entrance, Victoria, Australia

Charmaine Dennien

“Creating strong relationships is what I’m all about”



A client-focused career of 30 years has brought Charmaine to us here at RE/MAX Genesis. Utilising her high calibre people skills, Charmaine is a natural when it comes to our industry. Her career includes significant experience in team leadership and management as well as administration. Charmaine’s team support and ability to inspire others is something we value highly at RE/MAX Genesis.


Thoughtful, loyal and enthusiastic, our team benefits from her willingness to share her experience and skills in client relations.


Charmaine works with attention to detail, sharp organisational skills and outstanding communication; all contribute to ensuring this is true.

Open and honest, Charmaine invests time into fostering great relationships, she never hurries an exchange, making sure that communication is clear and that everyone involved in a transaction is heard and catered for.


Charmaine is a Lakes Tyers Beach resident who understands the nature of the local area intimately. 


Outside of the office, she spends time playing and teaching piano and sharing her musical talent. That sense of harmony is something she carries through in her role.