50 Lowe Street
Nambour, Queensland, Australia
Australia RE/MAX Garren Reisinger

Fully Licensed Sales Agent, Garren Reisinger is an agent that understands the intricacies of luxury real estate, with many years of experience in the transaction and the interaction.

Dedicated. Personable. Smart.

It’s not just his expertise that has seen him finesse some of Sunshine Coast’s most impressive sales, it’s his attention to detail and knowledge that real estate is so much more than just property.

Never complacent in his attitude, and supported by the team at RE/MAX, Garren fosters positive connection and a reputation that precedes itself. Driven by doing better, doing more, and doing it for the value he creates for both sides of the deal.

A dynamic personality, a genuine approach. Garren opens doors of opportunity and it’s his relaxed nature and well-spoken demeanour that turns brief introductions into long-lasting relationships. It’s the reason why his contacts are not just filled with numbers, but experiences.

When not working Garren enjoys keeping fit at the gym, hanging out at the beach & spending quality time with his wife & three beautiful daughters.

Garren Reisinger - RE/MAX Property Sales

Garren Reisinger

Office of RE/MAX Property Sales - Nambour USD 50 Lowe Street
Nambour, Queensland, Australia
Australia RE/MAX RE/MAX Property Sales Nambour RE/MAX Property Sales

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Office of RE/MAX Property Sales - Nambour 50 Lowe Street
Nambour, Queensland, Australia
Australia RE/MAX RE/MAX Property Sales Nambour RE/MAX Property Sales
50 Lowe Street
Nambour, Queensland, Australia

Garren Reisinger

Fully Licensed Sales Agent, Garren Reisinger is an agent that understands the intricacies of luxury real estate, with many years of experience in the transaction and the interaction.

Dedicated. Personable. Smart.

It’s not just his expertise that has seen him finesse some of Sunshine Coast’s most impressive sales, it’s his attention to detail and knowledge that real estate is so much more than just property.

Never complacent in his attitude, and supported by the team at RE/MAX, Garren fosters positive connection and a reputation that precedes itself. Driven by doing better, doing more, and doing it for the value he creates for both sides of the deal.

A dynamic personality, a genuine approach. Garren opens doors of opportunity and it’s his relaxed nature and well-spoken demeanour that turns brief introductions into long-lasting relationships. It’s the reason why his contacts are not just filled with numbers, but experiences.

When not working Garren enjoys keeping fit at the gym, hanging out at the beach & spending quality time with his wife & three beautiful daughters.