50 Lowe Street
Nambour, Queensland, Australie
Australie RE/MAX Scott Walters

Sales Agent, Scott Walters, has hit the ground running from day one with his move into his real estate career. With a background in retail sales, Scott is already equipped with the communication and negotiation skills that are necessary for a successful career in real estate; and he has plenty of experience in and around goal setting and achieving targets.

Scott has an outgoing personality with a friendly, relaxed demeanour that puts people quickly at ease. Driven, motivated, and ambitious; he has an unwavering determination to secure outstanding outcomes for his clients, so they not only recommend him to their family and friends, but they will use him again in future property transactions.

“I want to play a pivotal role in assisting my investor clients to reach their financial goals through property; as well as assisting all my clients to achieve the best possible outcome through a professional polished marketing campaign to attract maximum number of buyers to create a competitive environment which will secure the optimum price.”

Scott holds a Certificate II in Electrotechnology as well as a Certificate III in Property Services. A motoring enthusiast, when not working Scott enjoys performance cars and car shows, as well as keeping fit at the gym, gaming, anime, politics and current affairs.

Agent - Scott Walters - RE/MAX Property Sales

Scott Walters

Office of RE/MAX Property Sales - Nambour USD 50 Lowe Street
Nambour, Queensland, Australie
Australie RE/MAX RE/MAX Property Sales Nambour RE/MAX Property Sales

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Office of RE/MAX Property Sales - Nambour 50 Lowe Street
Nambour, Queensland, Australie
Australie RE/MAX RE/MAX Property Sales Nambour RE/MAX Property Sales
50 Lowe Street
Nambour, Queensland, Australie

Scott Walters

Sales Agent, Scott Walters, has hit the ground running from day one with his move into his real estate career. With a background in retail sales, Scott is already equipped with the communication and negotiation skills that are necessary for a successful career in real estate; and he has plenty of experience in and around goal setting and achieving targets.

Scott has an outgoing personality with a friendly, relaxed demeanour that puts people quickly at ease. Driven, motivated, and ambitious; he has an unwavering determination to secure outstanding outcomes for his clients, so they not only recommend him to their family and friends, but they will use him again in future property transactions.

“I want to play a pivotal role in assisting my investor clients to reach their financial goals through property; as well as assisting all my clients to achieve the best possible outcome through a professional polished marketing campaign to attract maximum number of buyers to create a competitive environment which will secure the optimum price.”

Scott holds a Certificate II in Electrotechnology as well as a Certificate III in Property Services. A motoring enthusiast, when not working Scott enjoys performance cars and car shows, as well as keeping fit at the gym, gaming, anime, politics and current affairs.