33 Smith Street
Parramatta, New South Wales, Australia
Australia RE/MAX Billy Markovski

Highly experienced, dedicated and extremely passionate, Billy Markovski is a licensed agent who takes great pride in surpassing his client's expectations and delivering outstanding results! 


Throughout his real estate career, he has earned an enviable reputation where clients value his honest, direct and professional approach.

Having focused on the Western Sydney area since for the entirety of his real estate career, Billy has developed an extensive array of skills that expand across the property market. 


His high standard of professionalism and desire to be part of an amazing team makes Remax-Xtra a natural fit for him. He shares the company's refined and sophisticated approach to selling.

Billy Markovski - RE/MAX Xtra

Billy Markovski

Office of RE/MAX Xtra - Parramatta USD 33 Smith Street
Parramatta, New South Wales, Australia
Australia RE/MAX RE/MAX Xtra Parramatta RE/MAX Xtra

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Office of RE/MAX Xtra - Parramatta 33 Smith Street
Parramatta, New South Wales, Australia
Australia RE/MAX RE/MAX Xtra Parramatta RE/MAX Xtra
33 Smith Street
Parramatta, New South Wales, Australia

Billy Markovski

Highly experienced, dedicated and extremely passionate, Billy Markovski is a licensed agent who takes great pride in surpassing his client's expectations and delivering outstanding results! 


Throughout his real estate career, he has earned an enviable reputation where clients value his honest, direct and professional approach.

Having focused on the Western Sydney area since for the entirety of his real estate career, Billy has developed an extensive array of skills that expand across the property market. 


His high standard of professionalism and desire to be part of an amazing team makes Remax-Xtra a natural fit for him. He shares the company's refined and sophisticated approach to selling.