0600002 北海道 札幌市白石区 菊水九条 3F Regent Bldg., 2-1-5, Kita2jonishi, Chuo-ku
北海道 RE/MAX english,japanese Kendall Bharath My name is Kendall Bharath, a real estate agent with RE/MAX Kyouei in Hokkaido, Japan.

I am originally from Ontario, Canada, but I have lived in Hokkaido for more than 9 years.
I first came to Japan as an English teacher on the JET programme. It was quite a shock being placed in rural Hokkaido, but I quickly grew attached to my surroundings, the people, and the lifestyle. Now, I can't imagine living anywhere else.
There is so much that Hokkaido has to offer, I want people around the world to know what a unique place it is.

If you are looking for a property or just curious about real estate in Hokkaido, get in touch, drop me a line because I'm always happy to talk!
Kendall Bharath - KYOUEI

Kendall Bharath

Office of KYOUEI - 札幌市白石区 USD 0600002 北海道 札幌市白石区 菊水九条 3F Regent Bldg., 2-1-5, Kita2jonishi, Chuo-ku

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Office of KYOUEI - 札幌市白石区 0600002 北海道 札幌市白石区 菊水九条 3F Regent Bldg., 2-1-5, Kita2jonishi, Chuo-ku
0600002 北海道 札幌市白石区 菊水九条 3F Regent Bldg., 2-1-5, Kita2jonishi, Chuo-ku

Kendall Bharath

My name is Kendall Bharath, a real estate agent with RE/MAX Kyouei in Hokkaido, Japan.

I am originally from Ontario, Canada, but I have lived in Hokkaido for more than 9 years.
I first came to Japan as an English teacher on the JET programme. It was quite a shock being placed in rural Hokkaido, but I quickly grew attached to my surroundings, the people, and the lifestyle. Now, I can't imagine living anywhere else.
There is so much that Hokkaido has to offer, I want people around the world to know what a unique place it is.

If you are looking for a property or just curious about real estate in Hokkaido, get in touch, drop me a line because I'm always happy to talk!

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